Ghosts on the site of the Battle of Hastings, Battle, East Sussex ~ October Hauntings

It's no wonder really that the site of the Battle of Hastings is haunted ~ 1066 ~ one of the most well known dates in British History, the date the Battle of Hastings took place, the Normans conquered the Anglo Saxons and England changed forever.

The battlefield itself still runs with blood, when it rains that is, and although a spooky event for the site of one of the most famous battles in English history it's due to the iron oxide in the soil, not ghostly blood.

But there are many ghost stories attached to the site: ghostly monks, a white lady, a tall man with an eye patch, a hanged man, loud bangs and not-surprisingly the sounds of battle.

Norman soldiers have been seen and William the Conqueror's minstrel, Talifer, still taunts the English as he rides across the battlefield singing.

But perhaps the most spectacular of the ghosts of Battle is Harold himself who appears on the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, 14th October,with an arrow through the eye.
